Impactful Collaborations

Guiding Principles

The three modes of engagement serve as the guiding principles underpinning NoP-HSS efforts to foster impactful collaborations across communities of practice in health sciences.

Engagement refers to the active participation in the activities and discussions of the Network of Practice. It involves not only doing the tasks associated with the practice, but also interacting with other members, sharing ideas, asking questions, and learning from the experience of others. This hands-on involvement provides a direct and immediate sense of belonging.

Imagination involves being able to see oneself as part of a broader Network of Practice and to extrapolate from the current situation to potential future situations. This could involve identifying with the profession or interest area as a whole, envisioning future scenarios, and using this imagined context to guide present learning and participation. This projection and identification with a broader community can provide a sense of belonging that extends beyond the immediate engagement.

Alignment involves aligning one’s own activities and beliefs with the broader norms, goals, and procedures of the Network of Practice. This can entail conforming to rules and standards, working towards common objectives, and generally ensuring that one’s own practice is in line with the agreed expectations of the community. Alignment provides a sense of belonging by creating a coherence between individual actions and the collective identity.

About NoP-HSS

The Network of Practice in Health Science Scholarship (NoP-HSS) actively recruits individuals, teams of health professionals, educational units, departments, schools, and other CoPs from diverse regions. These partnerships herald a new era of interconnectedness and shared learning and resources. 

By uniting a broader array of expertise and assets, this network enhances the collaborative capacity, ensuring that each member can access a richer pool of knowledge, skills, and tools.

This collective approach maximizes the impact of individual contributions, fosters innovation, and ensures a more robust, sustainable approach to addressing global health education challenges.